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Federal Parcel Description
Jun, 2025
Parcel #1 205.05 acres County: Niobrara Bidder: No Results Yet Serial#: WYW720752
============================== T40N - R63W Sec. 6 LOTS 1 Sec. 6 SENE, N2SE, SESE
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The button increments the parcel number
in the text area by one, and displays the parcel info.
Tip: To view the last parcel for the sale, enter '999' in text field, then select the
Note: Sometimes, though rarely, lands outside of the state
of Wyoming are acquired and offered for bid, such parcels are not included in this database.
Parcel Description Data Displayed
Sale Date, Parcel Number, and Acres
If applicable: Offer Pending noted
Winning Bidder (or No Results Yet, Deleted, or No Bidder)
After Sale: Bid Amount ($/acre), Bonus ($), and Serial Number
Township and Range
Land Description
Federal Sale Date
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and year 2000 Federal sales