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Search Form - State Database
Screening Your Search for Bidder(s) and/or County(s)
County List
The default "- Any County -", includes all counties.
More than one county can be selected.
Bidders List
The default "- Any Bidder -",
includes all bidders along with "No Bid" and "Withdrawn".
If you are searching an upcoming sale (or results not yet available) make sure this is
set to the default "- Any Bidder -".
Parcels receiving no bid are identified by "No Bidd".
Parcels which were withdrawn/deleted are identified by "Withdrawn".
After a sale, a new Bidder is not added to the list if such is only a minor name variation to an existing bidder.
More than one bidder can be selected.
Selecting multiple items
It is possible to select multiple counties and/or bidders.
The method on how this is done is based upon your device/software.
Select Sale Date(s) to Search
Use these settings to identify which Lease Sale Date(s) to search.
First choose one of three options:
Search Entire database (available to subscribers only)
Search the last 'x' Lease Sales (available to subscribers only)
Search selected individual Sale Dates (then select one or more of the desired Sale Date(s) from the
list below.)
Non-subscribers can access the latest sale and the year 2000 sale dates.
Sort Options for Search Results
These settings allow you to customize your Results Table format
If your search includes more than one lease sale, you can choose to have the results
displayed is a single table, or a separate table for each Sale Date (auction).
You can sort the data within a Results Table by one, two, or three keys using:
Sale Date
Parcel (default setting)
Bid ($/acre)
Bonus ($)
12.5% Royalty Rate
Tip: When you view your Results Table, the 'Primary key' variable's column will be colored gray
The sort keys can be ordered by either Ascending or Descending
Help - Search Form - State Leases
Search Form Parameters
Use the 'number input fields'
and operators
to create your custom
search query for specific Townships, Ranges, Bid Amounts, Total Bonuses, and/or Acres.
The use of the 'number input fields' is optional. For example leaving both
the Township input fields blank will result in a search of all townships. If you are using
these fields to screen your results it may be necessary to only input a value in the first
column. For example if you wanted to limit your search to parcels with a winning bid of
$2/acre simply enter the number 2 in the first column for Bid Amount and set the operator to '='.
To search for a half township, enter the value in decimal form, for example: 56.5
To search for a half range, enter the value in decimal form, for example: 67.5
The Township, Range, Bid, Bonus, and Acres parameters are set with one of these operators:
'=' equal to (default state)
'<' less than
'>' greater than
'<=' less than or equal to
'>=' greater than or equal to
'Not' not equal to
To search by Lease Number use the exact format of two digit year, then a dash -,
followed by 5 digits, i.e. YY-12345.
If selected, the '12.5% Royalty Rate' will limit your search to parcels that were
offered in the original Lease Sale Notice at a royalty rate of 12.5%.
You can further refine your search with the 'and' and 'or' conditionals.
If you do not want to limit your search based on these parameters, leave all the text fields blank.
Tip: Clicking the
button will clear the entire search form to its default values (clears all text input).
Note: Since the State Lease Sale does not include lands on the Wind River Indian Reservation,
all Township values inputs will be 'North', and all Range inputs will be 'West'.
Tip: If your search criteria for any one parameter results in no 'matching leases', your
complete search will always be 0 parcels, regardless if one or more of your parameters have matched parcels.
Additional Help/Info
Throughout this page you can click on the icon
to obtain more help/info for that 'section'